There is so much to eat at the fair that it's hard to remember that there is also so much to learn there as well. The horticulture building at the Minnesota State Fair is a nature lover’s fun and education zone and I highly recommend you check it out while you are there.
Following is a list and dates of some things that sound interesting for the next six days. (Please see the State Fair Daily Schedule website for a full list of each day’s activities). I will post the final week’s schedule on Tuesday August 30th.
All educational classes mentioned are in the Agriculture Horticulture Building – Area C
Saturday, August 27th
- 1pm - Backyard Composting, the Easy Way: This class is taught by Larry Cipolla, a Hennepin Master Gardener and should help you get that compost bin going.
- 3pm – Growing Glorious gladiolus: The MN Gladiolus Society will be sharing all their know-how on growing these beautiful flowers.
- 4pm – Container Gardening: I can’t wait for this one! Container gardening is so much fun and the more you know, the more you can grow.
Sunday August 28th
- 10a.m. - Low-maintenance Perennial Gardening: Even those of us who love to garden appreciate a low-maintenance one and hopefully Janet Pauley, a Goodhue Master Gardener, will have some great ideas.
- 1p.m. – Fall Garden Tips and Lasagna Gardening for Spring: This just sounds so interesting.
Monday August 29th
- 1p.m. – Starting Seeds Indoors: Plants add up quickly but seeds are inexpensive and knowing how to start them properly indoors is valuable, and cost effective, knowledge.
- 2p.m. – Basic Landscape Design Principles: Jim Calkins from the MN Nursery and Landscape Association should provide easy –to-follow design basics for your yard.
- The Flower Show entitled Minnesota Enjoys is available for viewing for most of the day but for 9am to noon when it is closed for judging.
- Noon to 6pm – Kids Flower Detective: Children 12 and under get to show their smelling skills by identifying flowers from their scent. Super cool!
Tuesday, August 30th
- Noon – Pots for Christmas Cheer : Get some tips on creating festive holiday planters.
- 1pm – Ten Tips for Growing Terrific Tomatoes: Master Gardener, Kathleen Wenzel is going to help all of us grow the tastiest tomatoes.
- The flower show and kids flower detective shows mentioned above are going on today as well.
Wednesday, August 31st
- 10 am – Herbs- Growing, harvesting, and preserving: Shirley Mah Kooymen, a Hennepin county Master Gardener, leads this class. I am most excited for the preserving part, as that is the area with which I have the most difficulty.
- 11 am – Pruning in the Home Landscape: Just plain smart class to take as pruning is an art best done with knowledge and know-how.
- 3pm to 6pm - Home Sown Gardeners will be volunteering at the MNLA gardens; come find us and let’s chat!
- 3pm – See How We Do It! Master Gardeners Tell All: This should be very very interesting!